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Free time receiver modules for students

As part of Galleon Systems ongoing support for education we are pleased to be able to offer all the modules mentioned above absolutely free of charge to any student, university or college.

Any lecturer or student interested in acquiring these modules please contact us or call us: 0121 608 4433 (UK) or +44 (121) 608 4433 (outside the UK) and Quote "EMC-FREE".

So what's the catch?

There is no catch! Education is important and we are proud to support it!

However, if your school, college, university or department run a website or blog, maybe you could link to the Galsys website and give us some love. If you don't have access to a website, how about taking a few pictures of your finished project and writing a small report on how it all went and we'll publish it on our website. Or you could even just write us a nice testimonial that we can use on our website.

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